
Jake spotted this 1983 Lincoln Towncar stretch Limousine. It's been sitting for at least a year, but the seller dropped and drained the gas tank and replaced the fuel pump to sell it.


It's in need of a good cleaning and some overdue routine maintenance, but we drove it home.


Doesn't look too bad for $750.


Over the years previous owners have installed tape decks, radios, sound systems, cell phones, two-way radios, air shocks and compressors, televisions, cable TV wiring, burglar alarms and much more, all of it ripped out before we ever saw the beast. I spent the first day identifying the original wiring harness and tearing out everything else. Some of the power windows were frozen, but all of them freed up with a little lube and leverage.


The passenger area is way plush.



I haven't figured out how to roll up the divider windows yet.


It's got two batteries and a battery isolator charging system. It fires up and runs every time and doesn't smoke out the tailpipe. The general rising smoke from the exhaust system will stop once we get it all good and hot the first time...


We're not sure what we're going to do with it, but I figure there's at least 800 bucks worth of scrap steel here...


Saturday, March 3rd, 2007 - UPDATE

The vinyl roof has been out in the Texas sun for too long and it's got a zillion little cracks in it.


The only logical thing to do is spray on a heavy coating of adhesive and then sprinkle grass seed over it...


This was best accomplished in small areas to keep the glue gooey enough to grab the seeds.


When the glue is good and dry I'll water it and throw a tarp over it for a few days while my idea 'germinates'..


Sunday, March 4th, 2007 - UPDATE

I drove into town at 65 MPH and most of the loose seed blew off so I could see the couple of bald spots. Good thing I kept a few sprinkles of seed to do touch-ups.


The bag says water twice-a-day and since I don't have the luxury of dirt to hold the water, I figure shade is better than sunshine. A cheap tarp and a couple of sticks of PVC pipe equals instant garage.


Check back to see how the LIMO LAWN is coming.


I am indeed blessed to have so many friends who are possessed of exceptional humour, to wit:

Thursday, March 29th, 2007 - UPDATE

I glued down a sheet of burlap over the seed to keep things damp. Things are sprouting nicely...




Friday, April 6th, 2007 - UPDATE

I ordered the magnetic letter signs for the artcar parade:



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